Monday 18 September 2017

The Example

The Example
A role model, am example
A path to follow
To carve out success by ourselves
From the values we borrow
My young eyes followed
Fingers pointed
As told by the mind that owned them
Their idea of a marvellous great
A leader with a magic wand

Not there did it stop, my nomadic mind
In search of its monarch butterfly
Ruffled through all media
Immortal beings in fairy tales and myths
Superheroes, those fighting for good
Orators, and those striking diamonds with gold.

And then the wanderer came back home
Found enough to look up to
Those who work and sweat throughout
Amidst hurdles and harsh rants
To mould happiness in those they cared
And those who giggle and guffaw together
To uphold a smile, seen even in the dark
Even when oil turned skin to crisp
Some hands stayed firm as beacons of good

Life, mighty, standing still
Braving all seasons, staying tall
To locomotes, equally brave
In the nature that sustains them all
As age hardened my bones
Designed my mind and built my tongue
The journey had been a wonderful one
Taught me, the enlightened truth
Breaking down, building up
Destroyed, reborn, sustained
The single point of infinity I searched for
Was all that I contained.

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